The Promise That Changes Everything. I Won’t Interrupt You; Penguin Life, 2020

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  • Издатель: Penguin Life
  • ISBN: 9780241423516
  • EAN: 9780241423516

  • Книги: Психология
  • ID:12043253
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How often do you interrupt? How often do people interrupt you? Can you remember the last time someone listened to you all the way through your thinking?

In a time when communication is more challenging than ever and relationships need to be nurtured, listening to one another could not be more important. In her new book, Nancy Kline, bestselling author of Time To Think, suggests that for us to radically improve our communication we should make the propmise 'I won't interrupt you'.

This promise matters because when we interrupt each other, we interrupt our thinking, and that interrupts the quality of everything we do. By making this promise to our colleagues and loved ones we can deepen our relationships, increase our productivity, and enjoy deeper, richer conversations. It may, in fact, be the most important promise we ever make.

Nancy has spent the last three decades researching independent thought and the barriers that prevent us from thinking for ourselves. In this book she tells us the truth about the damage that interruption can cause, she shares case studies and stories from her work with clients, as well as simple ways we can improve our communication, and change our lives.

The Promise That Changes Everything. I Won’t Interrupt You - фото №1

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О книге

ИздательPenguin Life
Год издания2020
Обложкамягкая обложка
Кол-во страниц236

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