Changing Your Story. How To Take Control Of Your Life, Create Change And Achieve Your Goals; Penguin Life, 2021

от 3577 р. до 8911 р.

  • Издатель: Penguin Life
  • ISBN: 9780241448014
  • EAN: 9780241448014

  • Книги: Психология
  • ID:12049290
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20 life lessons from a leading sports psychologist on how to bolster your resilience, boost your positivity, and achieve success.

We all love stories. They make us feel, help us connect, relate to one another, and make sense of our lives. Bill Beswick is a storyteller who has 20 powerful life lessons to share from his work with his clients at the top of their fieldsto help us all overcome our fears, boost our performance and achieve success.

Leading sports and performance psychologist, Bill Beswick, sees sport as a story of human connection. When faced with physical challenges, pressure and fatigue, the mind is the athlete and the body is simply the means. Changing Your Story explores how the way we think and feel is vital for releasing positive energy and improving our performance. Beswick's 20 lessons will bestow resilience and guide you through the process of harnessing the full power of your physical abilities.

This is a book about change. Bill Beswick's advice is guaranteed to equip you with new, more efficient ways to think. Through his powerful storytelling, he will help you let go of a negative mind-set and embrace a much stronger, positive and determined one.

Anything is possible when you realise it's never too late to switch direction and change your story.

Changing Your Story. How To Take Control Of Your Life, Create Change And Achieve Your Goals - фото №1

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О книге

ИздательPenguin Life
Год издания2021
Обложкамягкая обложка
Кол-во страниц194

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